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Advanced Airway Topics

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Do Smaller BVMs Increase ROSC?Advanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlogPapercutResuscitation

Do Smaller BVMs Increase ROSC?

Introduction The best way to manage the airway during cardiac arrest, has remained somewhat of…
Ventilation - Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Ventilation - Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Ventilation: Volume vs PressureAdvanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlog

Ventilation: Volume vs Pressure

Let’s start by looking at 3 patient presentations. Please write down the ventilator settings you…
Difficult Intubation Algorithm
Difficult Intubation Algorithm
The Difficult Intubation AlgorithmAdvanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlog

The Difficult Intubation Algorithm

The Difficult Airway Algorithm? Do we really need a difficult airway algorithm in the emergency…
Essential things to do to get the Airway
Essential things to do to get the Airway
3 Essential things to do to get the AirwayAdvanced Airway TopicsAirwayApnoeic OxygenationBlog

3 Essential things to do to get the Airway

Well, I'm now writting the lectures for the EMCORE Conferences for Hong Kong,  Melbourne and Fiji and I was quite excited…

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts separated.

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A patient with Abdominal Pain

A 58 yo patient presents with abdominal pain. No cause is found for the pain,…
Orbital blowout fracture causing syncopeemm-images-for-blog-and-categories-1280-x-720-pxemm-images-for-blog-and-categories-1280-x-720-px

Orbital blowout fracture causing syncope

When you're suspicious of entrapment in an orbital floor blowout fracture following trauma, you ask…
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A Clinical Risk Score to Identify Serious Causes of Vertigo

The patient with vertigo can be a clinical challenge. Patients may describe their symptoms as…
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Is this a pacemaker malfunction?

A patient who presents to the your Emergency Department with a non-cardiac issue has the…