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Orbital blowout fracture causing syncopeBlogophthalmologyTrauma

Orbital blowout fracture causing syncope

When you're suspicious of entrapment in an orbital floor blowout fracture following trauma, you ask…
Retinal Detachment
Retinal Detachment
Retinal DetachmentBlogophthalmology

Retinal Detachment

An elderly patient presents with worsening vision in one eye over the last 2 days.…
Lateral Canthotomy
Lateral Canthotomy
Lateral CanthotomyBlogophthalmology

Lateral Canthotomy

When and How to Perform a Lateral Canthotomy A 35 yo woman presents to your rural…
Aschner Phenomenon
Aschner Phenomenon
Aschner Phenomenon in Traumatic Enucleation of the EyeBlogophthalmology

Aschner Phenomenon in Traumatic Enucleation of the Eye

Introduction Aschner phenomenon or oculocardiac reflex is characterised by an episode of dramatic bradycardia following…
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Sudden visual lossBlogFellowship Examophthalmology

Sudden visual loss

Sudden loss of vision is a potentially disastrous event. It is stressful, in fact, may…
Headache and eye pain - Ophthalmology
Headache and eye pain - Ophthalmology
Headache and eye painBlogophthalmology

Headache and eye pain

Recently at the EM Core we discussed headache and the red eye. I had a…

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts separated.

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A patient with Abdominal Pain

A 58 yo patient presents with abdominal pain. No cause is found for the pain,…
Orbital blowout fracture causing syncopeemm-images-for-blog-and-categories-1280-x-720-pxemm-images-for-blog-and-categories-1280-x-720-px

Orbital blowout fracture causing syncope

When you're suspicious of entrapment in an orbital floor blowout fracture following trauma, you ask…
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A Clinical Risk Score to Identify Serious Causes of Vertigo

The patient with vertigo can be a clinical challenge. Patients may describe their symptoms as…
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Is this a pacemaker malfunction?

A patient who presents to the your Emergency Department with a non-cardiac issue has the…