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Emergency Medicine Education

Resus is dedicated to Emergency and Resuscitation education, through workshops and conferences and on-line teaching.

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Emergency and Resuscitation Education

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Emergency and Resuscitation Education



Emergency and Resuscitation Education


Practical emergency medicine, that you can apply immediately

At RESUS our mission is to change Emergency Medicine by teaching in ways that engage and inspire people to learn. By making learning enjoyable, stimulating and inevitable. We encourage sharing what we teach and the spreading of knowledge, because this benefits patients everywhere. That’s why we do what we do.

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Read the latest tips, information and best practice when it comes to Emergency Medicine Education all categorised by Clinical Topic.

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.narrow-qrs-120msnarrow-qrs-120ms

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.

An 82 yo patient is brought into the emergency department tachycardic, with a regular rate…
Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.templates-for-em-mastery-17templates-for-em-mastery-17

Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.

This study looked at how often the out-of-hospital and emergency department ECG diagnostic classification changed…
Ventilation during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitationtemplates-for-em-mastery-2templates-for-em-mastery-2

Ventilation during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Ventilation during CPR is still an area of debate. Perhaps, like CPR, we should be…
A Patient with Kaleidoscope Vision, and how to use the Pronator Drift and Mingazzini Signstemplates-for-em-mastery-59templates-for-em-mastery-59

A Patient with Kaleidoscope Vision, and how to use the Pronator Drift and Mingazzini Signs

The New EM Mastery Site going Live January 29th In this Clinical Cases Podcast we…

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Clinical Topics

The latest practical information and best practice when it comes to Emergency Medicine Education.


A New Era in CPR … Ready For Taylor Swift?BlogResuscitation

A New Era in CPR … Ready For Taylor Swift?

Taylor Swift (aka 'Blondie' aka 'T-Swizzle') is soon to Save the World.... High Quality CPR…
Paramedic-3 TrialBlogResuscitation

Paramedic-3 Trial

In response to the uncertainty of which route is better for drug administration in Out-of-Hospital…
Foreign Body in the Ear: Is that a Spider?BlogEENT

Foreign Body in the Ear: Is that a Spider?

Case 1 "Please help, there's something running around in my ear!" That was the triage.…
Exertional Heat Stroke
Exertional Heat Stroke
Exertional Heat StrokeBlogResuscitation

Exertional Heat Stroke

  This week we have a podcast with special guest Dr Will Davies, who takes…


Emergency Medicine is a huge field and we aim to make it simpler, by doing the work for you, pulling it apart and giving you what there is to know, in an environment that is fun, and full of surprises. Our aim is interaction and so we set up interactive case discussions as part of each conference, because things in real clinical practice aren’t always easy