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emergency education
emergency education
Early vs Late Advanced Airway in OHCAAirwayBlogResuscitation

Early vs Late Advanced Airway in OHCA

Advanced airway is seen as a definitive and reliable means of establishing protected ventilation and…
Do Smaller BVMs Increase ROSC?Advanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlogPapercutResuscitation

Do Smaller BVMs Increase ROSC?

Introduction The best way to manage the airway during cardiac arrest, has remained somewhat of…
Ventilation - Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Ventilation - Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Ventilation: Volume vs PressureAdvanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlog

Ventilation: Volume vs Pressure

Let’s start by looking at 3 patient presentations. Please write down the ventilator settings you…
Airway Management - Cardiac Arrest
Airway Management - Cardiac Arrest
Airway Management during Cardiac ArrestAirwayBlog

Airway Management during Cardiac Arrest

Airway Management during Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation, is still an area that we need to get…
Video Laryngoscopy versus Direct Laryngoscopy
Video Laryngoscopy versus Direct Laryngoscopy
Video Laryngoscopy versus Direct LaryngoscopyAirwayBlog

Video Laryngoscopy versus Direct Laryngoscopy

Video laryngoscopy (VL) versus Direct Laryngoscopy (DL). What should be the standard of care? Yet…
Difficult Intubation Algorithm
Difficult Intubation Algorithm
The Difficult Intubation AlgorithmAdvanced Airway TopicsAirwayBlog

The Difficult Intubation Algorithm

The Difficult Airway Algorithm? Do we really need a difficult airway algorithm in the emergency…
Ketamine only Breathing intubation
Ketamine only Breathing intubation
Ketamine-only breathing intubationAirwayBlog

Ketamine-only breathing intubation

Ketamine-only breathing intubation(KOBI), is a technique where Ketamine(+/- topical local anaesthetic) is used to facilitate…
Ketamine - Emergency Medicine Education - RESUS
Ketamine - Emergency Medicine Education - RESUS
Ketamine Only IntubationAirwayBlog

Ketamine Only Intubation

In a recent paper by Driver et al (1) there was a comparison of Ketamine-Only…
Laryngeal Mask
Laryngeal Mask
Laryngeal Mask and Neonatal ResuscitationAirwayBlogPediatric Resuscitation

Laryngeal Mask and Neonatal Resuscitation

Birth asphyxia is a leading cause of neonatal death. Positive pressure ventilation is the key…

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts separated.

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A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.

An 82 yo patient is brought into the emergency department tachycardic, with a regular rate…
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Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.

This study looked at how often the out-of-hospital and emergency department ECG diagnostic classification changed…
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Ventilation during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Ventilation during CPR is still an area of debate. Perhaps, like CPR, we should be…
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A Patient with Kaleidoscope Vision, and how to use the Pronator Drift and Mingazzini Signs

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