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medical education
Traumatic Cardiac ArrestBlogResuscitationTrauma

Traumatic Cardiac Arrest

Can you answer these 2 questions? Q 1. Which of these interventions do you think…
emergency medicine conference
emergency medicine conference
Orbital blowout fracture causing syncopeBlogophthalmologyTrauma

Orbital blowout fracture causing syncope

When you're suspicious of entrapment in an orbital floor blowout fracture following trauma, you ask…
Hip Dislocation
Hip Dislocation
Hip DislocationBlogOrthopaedics

Hip Dislocation

Introduction This review is based on a great journal article just published (1) The most…
Potential traumatic brain injury - Resus
Potential traumatic brain injury - Resus
CRASH-3 TrialBlogTraumaUncategorized

CRASH-3 Trial

The CRASH-3 Trial has been published. CRASH-2 demonstrated that early administration of tranexamic acid(within 3…
Honey - Button Battery Ingestion
Honey - Button Battery Ingestion
Honey for Button Battery Ingestion?BlogTrauma

Honey for Button Battery Ingestion?

A 25-year-old patient presents with recurrent lithium button battery ingestion. She had been admitted with…
Pregnancy and Trauma
Pregnancy and Trauma
Pregnancy and TraumaBlogObstetrics and GynaecologyTrauma

Pregnancy and Trauma

Trauma in pregnancy is a much more complex topic than simply, ’tilt them on their…
Doll's Eye Reflex
Doll's Eye Reflex
Fixed Dilated PupilsBlogResuscitationTrauma

Fixed Dilated Pupils

Head injury with fixed dilated pupils: Are we done? We have looked at the pupillary…
Cervical Spine -Iconoclasm
Cervical Spine -Iconoclasm
The Cervical Spine: The Iconoclasm ContinuesBlogTrauma

The Cervical Spine: The Iconoclasm Continues

In recent blogs I suggested that clinically significant C spine injuries can be excluded by…
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Maisonneuve FractureBlogOrthopaedicsTrauma

Maisonneuve Fracture

A Maisonneuve fracture is caused by pronation and external rotation. It can be difficult to…
Trauma Resuscitation
Trauma Resuscitation
Trauma ResuscitationTraumaTrauma Featured VideoTrauma Resuscitation

Trauma Resuscitation

A/Prof Peter Kas looks at some of the important evidence based trauma resuscitation measures we…
CT scan unstable trauma patients
CT scan unstable trauma patients
Unstable Trauma Patient: The Surgeon wants a CTBlogTraumaTrauma Featured VideoTrauma Resuscitation

Unstable Trauma Patient: The Surgeon wants a CT Introduction What if we had a tool that allowed identification of haemorrhage source, in…
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Important Studies in Emergency MedicineBlogTrauma Resuscitation

Important Studies in Emergency Medicine

Below are some important studies in Emergency Medicine. There certainly are more, however these are…
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Emergency Medicine Education - Resus
Carotid Artery DissectionBlogNeurology/Neurosurgery

Carotid Artery Dissection

Patients can present to us with a sudden severe headache, also known as a thunderclap…

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts separated.

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.narrow-qrs-120msnarrow-qrs-120ms

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.

An 82 yo patient is brought into the emergency department tachycardic, with a regular rate…
Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.templates-for-em-mastery-17templates-for-em-mastery-17

Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.

This study looked at how often the out-of-hospital and emergency department ECG diagnostic classification changed…
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Ventilation during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Ventilation during CPR is still an area of debate. Perhaps, like CPR, we should be…
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A Patient with Kaleidoscope Vision, and how to use the Pronator Drift and Mingazzini Signs

The New EM Mastery Site going Live January 29th In this Clinical Cases Podcast we…