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A patient presents with a complaint of diplopia. “I’ve been seeing double since last night. It started after I woke up from a nap”

Patients who present with diplopia following trauma require straightforward imaging. There is usually damage to one of the cranial nerves, either CN IV or VI.

What if there is no trauma?

I have a 5 step method I use to diagnose patients with diplopia. Listen to the 9 minute podcast recording and follow along on the infographic below. Follow us on Spotify

The steps are:

  1. Is it Monocular or Binocular Diplopia?
  2. Is there any other Neurology?
  3. If Binocular and no other neurology test CN III, IV and VI.
  4. Look for papilloedema
  5. Check what medications the patient is on


Below is a lecture given at EMCORE 2021

You can also take the diplopia Quiz


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