1) Acid-Base Balance
Severe acidaemia (7.15)
Moderate hypocapnoea
respiratory alkalosis
Severely low HCO3 and large -ve BE
metabolic acidosis
expect CO2 for HCO3 8 = 8 + 1.5 x 8 = 20mmHg
.: diagnose appropriate respiratory compensation
AG = 135 – 95 – 8 = 32
Delta ratio = (32 – 16)/(24 – 8) = 16/16 = 1.0
.: diagnose isolated RAGMA
Therefore Dx RAGMA with appropriate resp compensation
2) Oxygenation
Mild hyperoxaemia on room air
A-a grad = 150 – 1.25×20 – 100 = 150 – 25 – 100 = 25
Expect Aa 20yo = 20/4 + 4 = 8
.: Dx mildy raised Aa grad, implies V/Q mismatch
- ARDS/SIRS (aspiration)
- PE
- Other interstitial lung disease
3) Electrolytes
expect K+ for pH 7.15 = 5 + 2.5 x 0.5 = 5 + 1.25 = 6.25mmol/L
.: K+ 6.5 is appropriate for pH
Mild hypochloraemia
electrical equilibration RAGMA
not cause ALOC
Significant hyperlactataemia
- type A: hypoperfusion/shock
- type B1: sepsis/liver failure. Check LFT
- type B2: drugs
- Metformin, iron, toxic alcohols, isoniazid, paraldehyde, paraquat
Hyperosmolar state: risk cerebral oedema
osmolar gap = osmc – osmm
= 320 – (2 x Na + urea + glucose)
= 320 – 270 – 8 – 6
= 50 – 14 = 36 ie high
STRONGLY implies toxic alcohol ingestion! ! ! check urine for oxalate
check formic acid levels
4) Interpret
Overdose, young man, severe metabolic compromise
compensated RAGMA plus raised osm gap
suggests ethylene glycol or methanol intoxication
haemodialysis likely indicated: consult ICU
needs paracetamol level (coingestant)
evaluate for other causes of lactate: septic screen, GI bleed etc