Cardiogenic Shock: Which Vasopressor to use Read more BlogCardiologyCardiovascularECGUncategorized Cardiogenic Shock: Which Vasopressor to use In the patient who presents with cariogenic shock, the cath lab and a stent or…Dr Peter Kas27/06/2019
De Winter’s T waves Read more BlogCardiologyCardiovascularECGECG's I've Seen De Winter’s T waves De Winter's T Waves were first described by De Winter in an article to the editor…Dr Peter Kas02/02/2023
Pericarditis, Benign Early Depolarisation or STEMI Read more BlogCardiologyCardiovascularECG's I've SeenUncategorized Pericarditis, Benign Early Depolarisation or STEMI Differentiating between Pericarditis, Benign Early Depolarisation and ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction can sometimes be difficult.…Dr Peter Kas27/06/2019