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ECG Quiz

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Webinar SeriesECGECG Of The WeekECG QuizECG Video

Webinar Series

'Own The Arrhythmia'(Wednesday 25th October 2017) We look at the common arrhythmia presentations and develop…
emergency medicine conference
emergency medicine conference
ECG of the Week 6 March 2017ECGECG Of The WeekECG Quiz

ECG of the Week 6 March 2017

A 19 yo male, University student presents with stabbing chest pain, with a pleuritic component.…
ECG Pulmonary Embolism
ECG Pulmonary Embolism
The ECG’s of Pulmonary EmbolismBlogECGECG Of The WeekECG Quiz

The ECG’s of Pulmonary Embolism

Let me start by saying that some pulmonary embolisms(PE)’s are obvious. In those, you don’t…
PR intervals - QT intervals
PR intervals - QT intervals
Module 7: IntervalsECGECG Of The WeekECG Quiz

Module 7: Intervals

This is simple and straightforward. Look for PR intervals and QT intervals. A prolonged PR…
PR intervals - QT intervals
PR intervals - QT intervals
Module 8: Pacing SpikesECGECG Of The WeekECG Quiz

Module 8: Pacing Spikes

This is the simplest module of them all. Simply look for pacing spikes in all…
Module 3: The QRS
Module 3: The QRS
Module 3: The QRSECGECG Of The WeekECG QuizECG Video

Module 3: The QRS

The QRS When it comes to the QRS complex there are 4 questions to ask:…
Module 1: History and Rate
Module 1: History and Rate
Module 1: History and RateECGECG Of The WeekECG QuizECG Video

Module 1: History and Rate

1. History and Rate HISTORY The story is so important to get early. Why? Because…

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts separated.

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.narrow-qrs-120msnarrow-qrs-120ms

A Patient with Tachycardia and a Chest Infection.

An 82 yo patient is brought into the emergency department tachycardic, with a regular rate…
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Change in ECG diagnostic classification following ROSC from cardiac arrest.

This study looked at how often the out-of-hospital and emergency department ECG diagnostic classification changed…
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Ventilation during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

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A Patient with Kaleidoscope Vision, and how to use the Pronator Drift and Mingazzini Signs

The New EM Mastery Site going Live January 29th In this Clinical Cases Podcast we…