CERTIFICATES- Please Download by clicking on your name.
The PDF describing the Workshop and number of hours it comprised can be downloaded here: CARDIAC BOOTCAMP FRIDAY 2ND JUNE 2017 PDF – Please submit these documents directly to RACGP and request points
Bye Bunting Buckland Bromley Bell Beck Bauza Barry
Cully Crawford Cramp Chung Christie Cheri Chan Catherine Carter Carroll Carbone Camilleri
Fui Ho Fox Forcey Foneska Findlay Feigin
Gunaratne Gray Graham Gill Ghodosi Galonski Gale
Hurly Hession Harwood Hamilton Hall Haines
Kyaw Hta yKumar Kporku Kelvin Kearney
Pritchard Prisk Primrose Pop Polmear Pickering Perry Parker Padgham
Sumner Strachan Stephens Shuttlewood Shuli Lim Sewell Sandhu Saif